The scope has been kept wide but is not limited to
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: practical applications
Additive manufacturing and advanced manufacturing process
Autonomous and self-guided production system and robotics
Applications of industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in reshaping the automobile and aerospace industries.
Applications of industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in chemical, electronic, food, agriculture and sports industries
Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, Internet of things (IOT) in Smart Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence-of- Things (AIOT)
Augmented and virtual reality techniques in Smart Manufacturing
Big data informatics in smart manufacturing
Cyber/data security in Smart Manufacturing
Cyber – physical system
Cellular and flexible manufacturing
Economics and business model
Product and process design for Smart Manufacturing
Hardware and software for smart manufacturing
Issues in traditional manufacturing processes
Internet based smart manufacturing
Industry 4.0: theoretical and practical approaches
Industrial Internet of things (IIOT) in Smart Manufacturing
Industry 4.o enabling Smart Manufacturing
Machine learning tools in Smart Manufacturing
Predictive maintenance, safety and risk
Monitoring and diagnostic tools in Smart Manufacturing
Micro and Nature inspired manufacturing
Nature and Bio- Inspired algorithms tools in Smart Manufacturing
Optimization of process in Smart Manufacturing
Opportunities and Challenges in Smart Manufacturing
Quality, production control and safety tools and assurance in Smart Manufacturing
Role of automation in Smart Manufacturing
Smart Manufacturing: A general and State-of-art of review
Smart and digital supply chain management system
Smart operators, human-machine interaction
Sustainable production system
Virtual and cloud manufacturing
Virtual reality and augmented reality