
The paper authors can pay registration fees only after the acceptance notification of the paper. After that, all the costs will be in United States Dollars OR Chinese Yuan.

Registration Fee 

Category Early Bird, On or before 15-Feb.-2022 Standard, After 15-Feb.-2022
Regular Author USD 450/ CNY 3000 USD 500/ CNY 3300
Student & Committees Authors USD 420/ CNY 2800 USD 450/ CNY 3000

Conference Attendee/Listener
(Includes full conference kit)

USD 300/ CNY 1950 USD 300/ CNY 1950
Additional Paper (The same first author) USD 420/ CNY 2800 USD 450/ CNY 3000
Extra Item
Additional Page(Over 5 pages) USD 60/ CNY 400 per page USD 60/ CNY 400 per page
Keynote Speaker Free Free

It is free to attend online if you are a co-author or submit the abstract only.


 Each registration has 1 paper; additional paper requires an additional registration fee.
 One regular registration is within FIVE Pages, including figures, tables and references. Extra pages will be charged.

The registration fee, includes:

  •  Participation in all Sessions

  •  Conference Kit

  •  Program Book

  •  Full Paper Publication and Index

For Student Registration, student status verification is required either by a letter from the Institution or a scanned copy of the student card.


If the participants request cancellation and refund for personal reasons, the following refund policy is applied.

* 60 days ahead of the conference: 70% of payment refund
* 30-60 days ahead of the conference: 50% of payment refund
* Within 30 days ahead of the conference: no refund
Cancellation and refund requests must be made in writing formally via email. No shows will not be refunded. The organizing committees are not responsible for problems beyond our control such as, weather conditions, campus conditions, travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, etc.
* The organizing committees reserve the right to change the dates and place of the conference due to force majeure.
* The losses thus incurred from the force majeure events shall not be liable, and the refund policy shall not apply.
Personal Reason 
 The organizer can't refund or pay any compensation where could not attend the conference is prevented because of circumstances which amount to personal reasons, such as health issues, financial default, etc.
Force Majeure 

The organizer can't accept responsibility, refund, or pay any compensation where the conference's performance is prevented or affected by circumstances that amount to "force majeure". Circumstances amounting to "force majeure", including any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include the fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic and all similar situations beyond our control.



The organizer has the right to change the date and place of the conference under the amount to "force majeure" circumstances. The conference participants are obliged to cooperate with the organizer's change and refund policy.