Prof. Andrew W. H. Ip received his PhD from Loughborough University (U.K.), MBA from Brunel University (U.K.), MSc in Industrial Engineering from Cranfield University (U.K.), and LLB (Hons) from the University of Wolverhampton (U.K.). Dr Ip was awarded in 2015 “Gold Medal with the Congratulations of Jury” and “Thailand Award for Best International Invention” in the 43rd International Exhibition of Geneva, and he was awarded the “Natural Science Award ” in 2013 Ministry of Education Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards by the Ministry of Education of Mainland China. Dr. Ip is visiting professor of Civil Aviation University of China, South China Normal University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and Honorary Fellow of the University Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group. He is Professor Emeritus and adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan and principal research fellow of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is a chartered engineer, senior member of IEEE and member of Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, and members of various professional bodies in mechanical and electrical engineering. He is Editor in Chief of the journal of Enterprise Information System (SCI index), Taylor & Francis; Founder & Editor in Chief of International Journal of Engineering Business Management (ESCI & SCOPUS index), SAGE.
Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications,
31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochyave.,
Krasnoyarsk,660037, Russia
Dr. Margarita N. Favorskaya is a Professor and Head of Department of Informatics and Computer Techniques at Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology., Russian Federation. Professor Favorskaya is a member of KES organization since 2010, the IPC member and the Chair of invited sessions of over 30 international conferences. She serves as a reviewer in international journals (Neuro computing, Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, Pattern Recognition Letters, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence), an associate editor of Intelligent Decision Technologies Journal, International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems, International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, a Honorary Editor of the International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, the Reviewer, Guest Editor, and Book Editor (Springer). She is the author or the co-author of 200 publications and 20 educational manuals in computer science. She co-authored/co-edited around 20 books/conference proceedings for Springer in the last 10 years. She supervised nine Ph.D. candidates and presently supervising four Ph.D. students. Her main research interests are digital image and videos processing, remote sensing, pattern recognition, fractal image processing, artificial intelligence, and information technologies.
Prof. Srikanta Patnaik is Director of I.I.M.T., Bhubaneswar, India. He has received his Ph. D. (Engineering) on Computational Intelligence from Jadavpur University, India in 1999. He has supervised more than 30 Ph. D. Theses and 100 Master theses in the area of Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Soft Computing Applications and Re-Engineering. Dr. Patnaik has published around 100 research papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He is author of 2 text books and 55 edited volumes and few invited book chapters, published by leading international publisher like IEEE, Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, Kluwer Academic, etc.. Dr. Srikanta Patnaik is the Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Information and Communication Technology and International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics published from Inderscience Publishing House, England and, Editor of Journal of Information and Communication Convegence Engineering and Associate Editor of Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (JIFS), which are all Scopus Index journals.
He is also Editors-in-Chief of Book Series on “Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technology” published from Springer, Germany and Advances in Computer and Electrical Engineering (ACEE) and Advances in Medical Technologies and Clinical Practice (AMTCP), published by IGI Global, USA. He is a member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). He is also Fellow of IETE, Life Member of ISTE, and CSI. Dr. Patnaik has visited more than 20 countries across the globe and visiting professors to some of the universities.
Professor and Distinguished Chair of Business Analytics
Chairman, Business Systems and Analytics Department
La Salle University ● Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19141 ● United States
Honorary Professor, Business Information Systems Department
University of Paderborn, D-33098 Paderborn, Germany
Decision Analytics Journal (Elsevier)
Healthcare Analytics (Elsevier)
Space Mission Planning and Operations
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
International Journal of Management and Decision Making
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems
Madjid Tavana is Professor and Distinguished Chair of Business Analytics at La Salle University, where he serves as Chairman of the Business Systems and Analytics Department. He also holds an Honorary Professorship in Business Information Systems at the University of Paderborn in Germany. Dr.Tavana is Distinguished Research Fellow at the Kennedy Space Center, the Johnson Space Center, the Naval Research Laboratory at Stennis Space Center, and the Air Force Research Laboratory. He was recently honored with the prestigious Space Act Award by NASA. He holds an MBA, PMIS, and PhD in Management Information Systems and received his Post-Doctoral Diploma in Strategic Information Systems from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He has published 22 books and over 300 research papers in international scholarly academic journals. Dr.Tavana is the Editor-in-Chief of Decision Analytics Journal, Healthcare Analytics, Space Mission Planning and Operations, International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, International Journal of Management and Decision Making, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, and International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining. He is also an editor of Annals of Operations Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Intelligent Systems with Applications, and Journal of Innovation and Knowledge.
Dr Vipul Jain is a Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management atVictoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has also worked as a French Government researcher for the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control at Nancy, France, and was also involved in theEuropean project I* PROMS (Innovative Production Machines and Systems) from UK. Vipul has more than 85 archival publications to his credit in high impact factorjournals, as well as conference papers and books chapters, is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise, and an Editorial Board member forseven international journals. Vipul is ranked 7th in India in a list of top 20 Indian leading academicians publishing in the area of Logistics and Supply Chain management in an exhaustive study entitled “Analysis of the Logistics research in India- white paper (2012), pp.1-11” conducted by researchers from Institute of Transport Logistics, Dortmund University, Institute for Supply Chain and Network Management, Technische Universität Darmstadt, and University of Münster, Germany. Vipul is involved as a scientific and advisory committee member for various international conferences. He was the Programme Coordinator for the Masters in Industrial Engineering Programme at IIT Delhi, and has been actively involved in conducting Management Development Programmes/Training Programmes for Senior Managers andExecutives of Public and Private Organisations in India on various issues and challenges encountered in Operations, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management.
Dr Wu holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial and Systems Engineering, and a PhD in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering. He also holds a six sigma black belt certification from the Hong Kong Society of Quality and he contributes regularly to research papers in the areas of Internet of Things, Engineering Optimisation and Healthcare Applications. His project works and research outcomes have been presented in 10+ international conferences and published in 50+ international refereed journals, such as Information Science, Applied Soft Computing, International Journal of Production Research, Internet Research, Expert Systems with Applications, Industrial Management and Data Systems, etc. Additionally, Dr Wu serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Engineering Business Management, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, and Enterprise Information Systems. As he looks to the future, Dr Wu intends to continue researching in the field of smart logistics and manufacturing.
Jair Minoro Abe received B.A. and MSc in Pure Mathematics - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Also received the Doctor degree and Livre-Docente title from the same University. He is currently coordinator of Logic Area of Institute of Advanced Studies - University of Sao Paulo Brazil and Full Professor at Paulista University - Brazil. His research interest topics include Paraconsistent Annotated Logics and AI, ANN in Biomedicine and Automation, among others. He is Senior Member of IEEE. Professor Abe is a studious of a family of Paraconsistent Annotated Logic which is used to solve many complex problems in engineering. He has authored/edited books on Paraconsistent and related logic published by Springer Germany and other reputed publishers. He is the recipient of many awards including medals for his academic performance and also received many best papers awards. Professor Abe was the Editor-in-Chief of Publicações da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática de 1990 - 1994. Presently, Professor Abe serves as Associate Editor and member of the Editorial Board of some journals related to the intelligent systems and applications. Professor Abe has supervised a number of PhD candidates successfully and presented a number of keynote addresses. He has authored/co-authored around 300+ publications including books, research papers, research reports, etc. Professor Abe’s research interests include System design using conventional and Artificial Intelligence techniques, Paraconsistent Annotated Logic, Human factors in Aviation, Intelligent Decision Making, Teaching & Learning practices, and Cognitive Studies.
Dhananjaya Sarangi is a Professor of Computer Science and Applications of Interscience Institute of Management and Technology (IIMT), Bhubaneswar , Odisha since April 2019 .He received his MCA degree from NIT , Rourkela in 1989. He is having 30 years of rich experience as Head of IT in various reputed MNCs both in India & abroad . Professor Sarangi was Head of IT of Hindalco Industries , a Aditya Birla Group company located at Hirakud , Odisha for both its Smelter & Power plant and then relocated to Malaysia as Head of IT for its Palm Oil Edible Oil and Oleo Chemical division. Subsequently professor Sarangi moved to Singapore as Head of Business Information System of Palm Oil Business of RGE Pte Ltd Singapore. Professor Sarangi has vast experience mainly focused on IT Strategy, IT Project Management, IT Planning & Governance, IT Infrastructure Management, Business Transformation, Change Management, People Management, IT Policy & Security, Vendor Management, ERP implementation etc.. He has undergone various training& seminars from reputed institute like NTU-Singapore, IIM-Kolkata, NITIE-Mumbai, Human Synergistic International- Bangalore, Nityo Infotech-Singapore . Currently Professor Sarangi is continuing his PhD from Birla Global University (BGU), Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Professor Sarangi has travelled various countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, China , Hong Kong , Vietnam & Australia.
Prof. Pramod Kumar Prusty is the Dean Academics of IIMT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India. He has received his Ph.D degree from Utkal University, Vani Vihar on Accounting and Finance based topic. He has supervised five Ph.D Scholars. He is the Author of 35 Research Articles and 3 Test Books i.e., Management Accounting, Cost Accounting and also Advanced Cost and Management Accounting which are useful for CA , CMA and MBA Students. He has supervised more than 300 Projects in different Disciplines. Prof. Prusty has Chaired as Key Note Speaker in many Conferences within the Country. During his Professional Career Prof. Prusty has performed his job as a successful Academician and Administrator around 40 years in different Govt., Govt Autonomous Colleges including Ravenshaw and also in different reputed Educational Institutions as Prof.and Dean of Commerce.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Poland
Jacek Lukasz Wilk-Jakubowski is an Associate Professor at the Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatic Control and Computer Science,Department of Information Systems. He was awarded the doctor of technicalscience degree (with the specialization in ICT, teleinformatics, data transmission and signal processing) and doctor of science (habilitation) degree in the informatics and computer science discipline. He is the author of several inventions that have been granted protection by the Patent Office, participant of many national and international conferences and projects, and laureate of several awards, among others for patents. He is the author more than 60 scientific publications (including 5 monographs, 5 chapters in monographs, as well as more than 50 papers).
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Tebessa University-Algeria
Hakim Bendjenna is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tebessa University-Algeria, where he has been since 2004. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Constantine University, Algeria and Toulouse University, France in 2013. His research interests lie in the general field of Information systems and image processing with special focuses on security issues. He has led numerous groundbreaking research projects in these areas. He has taught primarily introductory programming courses and courses in system engineering for over ten years. He also frequently serves as a program committee member for various international conferences and workshops. He is a chair of several conferences. He is the head of LAMIS laboratory at the University of LaarbiTbessi- Tebessa, Algeria.
Dr. Kountcheva has completed her M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1973 from Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria and Ph.D. in 1977;she joined as a Senior Researcher TIE in 1992. Presently, Dr. Kountcheva is working as the Vice president of TK Engineering, Sofia. Her main scientific interests: Image processing, Image compression and digital watermarking, Image tensor representation, CNCs, Programmable controllers. Her total number of publicationsincludes176 (30 Journal papers, 18 Book chapters). She has delivered plenary speeches at international scientific conferences and scientific events: 15. Also Dr. Kountcheva has handled about 45 scientific research projects (PI and Co-PI). Again she has filed 5 Patents(2 USA and 3 EU). She has been a member of Bulgarian Association for Pattern Recognition (member of IAPR), member of International Research Institute for Economics and Management(IRIEM), member of Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDSAI), http://www.idsai.org/memberships/Members.aspx. She is also an honorary Member of the Honorable Editorial Board of the nonprofit peer reviewed open access IJBST Journal Group http://board.ijbst.org
Dean (Administration & Student Welfare)
IIMT, Bhubaneswar
Prof Dr Jagamohan Pattanayak is a prolific writer, poet and accomplished researcher. He has 8 research publications in National & State journals. He has been awarded PhD degree in participation and status change in development process, a study of tribal’s in koraput district, odisha. He was the research fellow of Tribal development Department, Ministry of welfare Govt of India. He is an illustrator in both Academics and Administration. With an exceptionally mentoring career leading to nearly four decades, he has held an administrative position as principal in Sri Jagannath Degree College, kaipadar khurda. Prof Pattanayak was conferred with prestigious award as best NSS programme officer, odisha for his selfless service to the society. Prof Pattanayak conferred with Law degree founded an institution to provide free legal service to the stranded people to establish their view. He has planted Twelve Thousands saplings over 7 acres of lands. He has attended 12 National Integration camps across India, he is being acclaimed by distinguished honour in social service being a counselor of IGNOW Odisha State Open University, he has been with students for continuous Learning.